Why Organic?
Think about this..
Studies show commercially grown, inorganic vegetables are very low in mineral and trace mineral content. Think about this..
Consuming organic food may also reduce your exposure to artificial chemicals, hormones and antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
Organic dairy might be more important than you think...If breastfeeding is one of the best ways to naturally detoxify our bodies from harmful toxins we ingest, than what does a cow's milk have in it? All the toxins, pesticides they ingest? Grass fed beef makes sense!
The Environmental Working Group updates its annual "Dirty Dozen" and "Clean Fifteen" to identify which fruits and vegetables are the highest in pesticides. The info can help you to reduce the amount of pesticides in your diet and help you "Eat Clean."
The Environmental Working Group updates its annual "Dirty Dozen" and "Clean Fifteen" to identify which fruits and vegetables are the highest in pesticides. The info can help you to reduce the amount of pesticides in your diet and help you "Eat Clean."
Environmental Watch Group App
Environmental Watch Group App
The EWG app can be used on your phone for not only food, but personal care products. What you put ON your body can be absorbed ON your body. Making smart food and personal care choices for better health.
The EWG app can be used on your phone for not only food, but personal care products. What you put ON your body can be absorbed ON your body. Making smart food and personal care choices for better health.