Kimchi, Eggs, and Cottage Cheese

When there isn't much left in the kitchen for breakfast, here's an idea! Kimchi is a great probiotic. This will feed your gut with that good bacteria. If you want to even go more over the top, add fresh arugula to this as it is a "prebiotic". That way, the good bacteria has something to "snack on" to keep it alive. If you choose to eat dairy, cottage cheese is an excellent source of protein. Add some milled flax seed on top for some bonus Omega 3's and fiber.

  1. Scramble eggs- Whisk eggs (add a bit of water if desired) and add to preheated pan. Scrape with metal spatula and remove from the pan just before finishing the cooking process. Always remember to preheat!

  2. Serve with premade kimchi, cottage cheese with milled flax seed and whole grain toast if (desired).

  3. Breakfast is served and cleanup is quick and easy.